We Help Children Learn How to Read and More

Is Your Child Struggling to Read?

There are many children who are resistant readers, and early intervention can change the trajectory of their learning and increase their academic success. We enable these students to become successful readers and writers, and successful lifetime learners.

Each Child Reads Differently

The methods encompass differentiating content for students to meet learning variances, tailoring content to meet student’s needs. Creating learning modules in addition to diagnostics and assessments, to ensure students achieve content knowledge and improve skills.

Intervention at Any Age is Key to Future Successes

Success is achieved through developing and providing explicit, systematic, and structured instruction to aid in learning to read and write. Our instructional models include:

    • Phonemic Awareness
    • Phonics and Word Study
    • Reading Fluency
    • Vocabulary
    • Comprehension Strategies
    • Spelling and Handwriting

Collaboration is Key to Success

Partnering with parents, school administrators, learning specialists, teachers, and other support providers is an important part of your child's growth. JSK Tutoring will support and guide you every step of the way.

JSK Tutoring will provide help, support, encouragement for you and your child every step of the way!